Wednesday, April 8

Dusting Off and Brushing Up

I dropped Easton off at kindergarten this morning and his teacher, Frau Wenig, let me know the older children would be taken on a walk down to the church for an Easter lesson today. I was excited for them. I was also freshly awash with guilt for not having yet done an Easter lesson this year with the boys.

I got home and of course, Morgan wouldn't go back down for her nap since she'd enjoyed the fresh morning air on our walk to/from Easton's school. So I settled in to feed her again while grabbing something to read to prep for my lesson this Sunday. I am newly called to teach Sunday School for the 10 and 11 year olds and this year we are largely learning principles and doctrines from church history. I picked up the "Our Heritage: A Brief History of The Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-day Saints" to get myself up to speed on what's been covered thus far this year.

I was only a page into it when I came upon something I've known forever, but it struck with new force this morning. Joseph Smith's mother has noted that her young son "was given to serious reflection and often thought about the welfare of his immortal soul." He was just 14 years old when he had the glorious First Vision where Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared and answered his humble request of how he might attain eternal salvation through joining a church with the necessary saving ordinances like baptism. What impressed me was that his mother must have often observed his "serious reflection" and knew he often thought about how he could be saved. This means the topic was talked about and studied in their home regularly. We know the family read from the Bible regularly and Joseph began to study it on his own. What I wouldn't give to observe the progression of that mother and son's conversations over those tender years!

I want to be that type of mother who not only teaches the saving truths of the gospel, but discusses and knows the things my children are thinking about because they want to talk about it with me. I want them to know they can find answers in the scriptures and through personal prayer. I want them to know how I know these things are true not just because they read my journal entries some day, but because it's a regular open conversation. Easton's still in that very impressionable inquisitive stage and I've got my opportunities ripe before me! Thank you gospel art kit - we'll dust you off again today!