Sunday, November 15

Yup! Halloween happened here!

With Ryan in Munich returning his nephews and helping his brother run errands setting up house, I had Morgan and McKay to myself on Halloween day. McKay had been so excited to be Dash of the Incredibles for the day, so I dressed him up for the entire day, including the painted on mask. Then we headed to base to do our grocery shopping. Best idea ever! Loads of shoppers got a good kick out of our little Dash and he loved the attention!

Ryan and Easton made it back home in time for us to head to base for some Halloween trick-or-treating. First, our super heros needed some quick fuel for the evening's escapades. Yes, even super heros need to eat!

While the heros ate, I got Morgan ready. I completely forgot the easy way to do whiskers with eye liner! And it's been so long since I've actually worn eye liner that I didn't even know if I had some. My attempt with the Q-tip didn't pan out, but it was fun to try it out on her!

Trick-or-treating on base was fun! Since a lot of the housing is apartment style, the residents often hold their own little parties inside and out. Some brave the cold out front together handing out their candies and BBQ-ing. It was fun to run into friends and see the single family homes of the upper ranks (I'm still not familiar with military hierarchy terminology). Easton and McKay were thrilled with every piece of candy they received and were happy with about 20 pieces so we were able to cut it short and sweet.

Oh how I love the rolls and cheeks on this little gal!!! She's not too thrilled with me at this moment, but I do get regular coo's and smiles when there's less audience.

We ran into McKay's kindergarten buddy Evan. His family recently moved to our little town.

When we were driving back in our neighborhood, we saw a few groups of German kids out trick-or-treating. We took the kids to a couple of our neighbors and called it a night!

One neighbor was handing out Christmas candy - see that Santa sucker?! I got a kick out of that! The only problem (and blessing) with cutting the trick-or-treating short is the lack of chocolate I was looking forward to swiping! Oh well, I don't really need it anyhow.