Monday, October 12

"A friendly suggestion," he said.

"What were you thinking for dinner?" He said.

"I wasn't," she said.

Rummaging commences in the fridge and freezers.

"What about . . .???" The name of one of his all time favorites escapes him.

She waits and enjoys seeing him struggle because she's usually the one who can't remember the item name on the top of her tongue. Finally, she surrenders,"Chicken alfredo?"

"Yeah!" he grins.

Having spent two hours that morning cleaning up the weekend's delicious baking and cooking, the last place she wants to be is in the kitchen! She arrives in the kitchen a few minutes later to find all the ingredients laid out on the counter. Hmmm, apparently he's serious. She peaks out to give him a hard time and he just smiles over his book from his comfy Man Chair and says, "A friendly suggestion?"

Good thing it's one of our easiest fast meals! The bowling alley pizza is still digesting, how can anyone be hungry yet?! Happy Columbus Day!