Saturday, August 8

A Skyped Wedding Reception

Would you wake up at 4:30am for a wedding reception? Sure! If your brother's can be partaken of via Skype! But I wish I'd thought about the two-way video because I wasn't ready to make appearances in my jammies, no makeup, and bedhead! What a way to meet the in-laws who are dressed to the nines! Ah well, this is me!

With a nine hour time difference, the sun was rising here in Germany while it was setting back in Kennewick. Morgan was my alarm even though I'd set my watch. Chris and Ben oversaw the technical details of getting me live video and sound. YAHOO!!! It was a beautiful reception, probably my favorite thus far with the round hanging lanterns and lights strung. Hopefully someone will send me pictures soon so I can post a few.

I even got to chat with the newlyweds, Nick and Christine, right before they drove off to a sparklers send-off. Christine was a classic beauty and Nick was handsome as ever. Good thing he was the guy in the vest, otherwise we joked Christine could have grabbed the wrong Bare boy since they've all got the "Amber special."

I wish all families could be so blessed with such an artistic jack-of-all-trades sister/daughter-in-law. I keep saying that when I grow up I want to be as talented as Amber! She designed the invites and save the dates, made many of the decorations by hand, cut all the boys' hair the night before (up til 3am I think doing the Amber Special!), ran with Nick to get better lookin' shoes the day of the wedding . . . every family getting married needs her! I hope some day she can run a wedding planning company for she is simply GIFTED!!! And she's produced some of the cutest toeheads with some help from my brother Chad.

I fought back unexpected tears at the sight of my siblings, dad, and Grandpa Bob. Our family is so funny about being together. We can chat about nothin' forever and laugh our heads off! We just really like gathering in one spot to be together. At any given time, there were at least three of my siblings and/or their spouses in front of the webcam. That's love! I felt a little bad taking them away from the reception. I must say, so much growing up is going on all at once for us Bares! A snapshot, in order for your benefit:

Mom & Dad - New puppy, last wedding for at least a couple years. In eight years, they've had seven kids get married! I could list a lot here, they amaze me!
Me & Ryan - 3 kids, living in Germany and trying to see as much of Europe as we can!
Chad & Amber - 1 son, 2 daughters, managing work and school, new puppy. ID Falls.
Brooks & John - Buying their first home and getting their first puppy. Bend, OR.
Chris & Tricia - New business and first baby boy due in November. DC area.
Ben & Elizabeth - School and work! Gotta catch up more with them. USU.
Nick & Christine - Newlyweds today! A bit of school left. BYU-I.
Lorry & David - He graduated, she's got a semester left, Miss Straight A's! BYU-I.
Matt - Leaves in September to serve a two year mission in Brasil.
Abby - New driver, logging the most babysitting hours ever, still has the best hair in the fam!
Luke - Turns 14 in a couple weeks. Loves football and is growing up way too fast!

A little after 8am we called it quits. I was exhausted and went back to bed after seeing to a few chores. Thank you, Ryan! Families are such a great blessing! It got me thinking a lot about weddings and those life events that draw us together. I sure am glad technology makes it easier to get in touch as we each spread our wings.

Oh yes, and before I forget, our favorite Kid-Speak today was . . .
McKay: "Maa-sketti" is spaghetti.
Easton: "Pop-skitto" is popsicle and "bi-skitto" is bicycle.