Thursday, February 26

A Tuesday

Do you have a personal assistant? I have always wanted one. Someone to keep track of details I tend to forget so often. Well, in desperation soon after moving to Germany, I picked one up at the PX on base. She’s not very pretty, but highly functional which is all that mattered in my dire state!

My personal assistant can keep my two year old entertained, divert him from a meltdown/tantrum with her beeping gadgets, keep track of time outs and items baking in the oven, ensure I don’t allow the boys too much time playing xBox or iphone games or that they share time evenly, reminds me when to pick up Easton from school, and she even glows in the dark!

Okay, she’s only a cheapo Timex watch, but she’s saved my sanity many, many times! I think I blogged earlier about how our hotel didn’t have a clock in the room except a tiny one on the phone display which didn’t glow in the dark. Waking in the dark to feed Morgan made not knowing the time unbearable. I wanted to know if this would be the feeding of the night or if I could plan to be up a time or two more before the boys and sun rose for the day. Since then, I’ve realized the value of her other functions. I’ve never been a watch wearer, but this gal has made herself rather indispensible over the past two months. The clock and timer are the most used options obviously, but the stopwatch, alarm, and now even the pulse modes are getting some use.

I find it kinda funny when I glance at it and the word MARATHON on its display catches my eye. If I’m checking my watch, it’s usually because the moment I’m in feels as if I’m enduring a poorly planned (on my part) marathon! If I were to ever endeavor to complete a marathon, I wouldn’t be running for the fastest time but just to finish! That’s how I often approach many of my days unfortunately, just to finish.

I loved the lesson this past Sunday in Relief Society about Elder Bednar’s recent General Conference address, Pray Always. The part that I’ve been thinking about is where in Moses 3:4-5 it talks about how everything was created spiritually prior to being created temporally on the earth. Elder Bednar likened this to how we should spiritually create our day in prayer prior to living it temporally. Someone in class commented that they believe the late Sister Hinckley stated she prayed to be able to accomplish those things each day that were of eternal significance. WOW! I could really benefit from applying these principles and others taught in this talk! I’d definitely have more purpose and I really think there’d be more joy in my days! My morning prayers could become my ultimate best personal assistant if I utilize this gift.

Thank you Timex for creating my current personal assistant. And I’m so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the gifts of prayer and personal revelation allowing me to communicate with and be guided by Him.